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SubscribeOur application helps non-familiar individuals seamlessly integrate into the household by providing them with detailed information about each family member's unique needs and sensitivities.
Our platform assists in the ability to learn from past experiences and inform evidence-based strategies for improved care and outcomes for children with special needs.
The platform enables efficient task management, allowing parents and caretakers to keep track of appointments, homework, and other tasks assigned by professionals.
The app assists in anticipating the future needs of young people with special needs, allowing parents and caretakers to proactively address their evolving requirements.
Our app serves as a comprehensive learning platform, offering educational resources and interactive activities to support the development of children with special needs.
Our platform is highly customisable, allowing users to personalise avatars, information, and settings according to the specific needs and preferences of the child and their family.
The platform acts as a centralized hub, providing a single source of truth for all relevant information about the child, their preferences, and their specific requirements.
The application provides easily accessible information and features a user-friendly interface, ensuring that users from different backgrounds can navigate and utilize the platform effortlessly.
At Heart of Home, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of families with children who have special needs. Our platform is designed to provide comprehensive support and resources for parents, caregivers, and professionals, ensuring that every child's unique requirements are met with care and understanding.
With a user-friendly interface and a range of features, we aim to empower users with the tools they need to navigate the challenges of raising and caring for children with special needs. Our mission is to foster inclusivity, enhance learning, and promote a sense of community, ultimately improving the well-being and development of these exceptional children.
We understand the time it can take to get a diagnosis and support for children with disabilities. We want to reassure you that you can access this app to support your family whilst waiting for a diagnosis for your child.
Hi, I am Rachel, Director of Heart of Home.
As a mother of two children on the Autism Spectrum I have first hand experience of the challenges that families supporting a child with additional needs face. Numerous professionals, strategies, medical needs, appointments, so much to co-ordinate, organize and communicate and more.
This is why I created Heart of Home so that families can receive Simple – Effective – Support through a digital application, everything accessible in one place.
I hope you join us on this journey as we put you and your family at the center of the support, because support begins at the heart of home.
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